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Why Design Matters

Design shapes perception

The way something is designed influences how people feel about, interact with, and understand it. Design is thus a powerful tool for communication because it strongly influences how people perceive the brand or product.

Think of a simple item like a hairbrush or a wallet. Now think about what it looks like, its packaging, and the larger brand that produces it, including website, print messaging, advertisements - the design for all of these elements works together to create a perception for that item.

That perception can include what it is, who it's for, whether its high quality or not, how reliable it is, and even what values it aligns with, like sustainability, thoughtful craftsmanship, or innovation.

Good design drives action

Thoughtful design encourages users to act, whether purchasing, signing up for a service, or engaging with content. It's not just about looking pretty - design can help guide the user through a story or journey to not only discover your service or offering, but to understand why it is valuable, how it can solve their problem, and why they should choose your solution over others.

When design does its job, the user will act because it just makes sense.

Design creates emotional connection

Effective design goes beyond aesthetics and resonates emotionally, building trust and loyalty with users. Often, design is one of the first things a user will experience about a brand or product. The emotional tone they encounter will help inform their perspective as they move through the site or application. 

Design solves problems

Design is fundamentally about problem-solving, offering creative solutions to enhance usability, accessibility, and functionality for users. 

Design impacts behavior

A well-designed product or interface can guide user behavior, making interactions smoother, more intuitive, and more enjoyable. 

Design sets brands apart

In a crowded marketplace, standout design helps differentiate a brand, leaving a memorable impression that can turn users into loyal customers.

Design improves user experience

From layout and navigation to color schemes and typography, good design creates a seamless, enjoyable user experience that keeps people coming back.

Design communicates values

Design conveys the values, mission, and personality of a brand, shaping the story it tells. Many users resonate not just with a product or service offering, but with the values of the brand itself. Does the design communicate honesty? Forthrightness? Intelligence? Community? Design can help communicate these and many other values, before a user has ever interacted with a brand employee.

Design drives innovation

By blending creativity, technology, and communication, design leads to new ideas, products, and experiences that have the power to push industries and societies forward.

Design influences decision-making

We've all been to those sites where the product sounds intriguing but the site design is so out dated or amateurish that we lose confidence in the quality of the product or the reliability of the brand. Or where the site is so confusing to navigate or read that it's hard to tell what the product does, much less whether its any good. Well-crafted design simplifies complex information and presents it in ways that are easy to understand, helping users make informed decisions. It also enhances credibility and therefor confidence in the product itself, further supporting decision making.